Twospot Hogfish (Twospot Wrasse) - Bodianus bimaculatus
Picture taken March 3rd, 2002, Nikon CoolPix 950, No Flash Purchased: March 2nd, 2002 This is a beautiful wrasse I purchased on impulse. It wasn't a planned purchase but I had to have it. While it was still floating in the bag I gave it a small squirt of a frozen food mix and it immediately ate. The next day it was aggressively eating everything offered even Spirulina flake food. |
Twospot Hogfish (Twospot Wrasse) - Bodianus bimaculatus
Picture taken March 3rd, 2002, Nikon CoolPix 950, No Flash This fish is classified under the family Labridae (Wrasses), Order Perciformes, Class Actinopterygii. It may reach a maximum size of about 4 inches (10cm). It was likely collected in the Indo-Pacific anywhere from the Maldives to Papua New Guinea. They are also reported as far north as southern Japan. They are common to rubble and sand located on steep outer reef slopes. |
Twospot Hogfish (Twospot Wrasse) - Bodianus bimaculatus
Picture taken March 3rd, 2002, Nikon CoolPix 950, No Flash Some interesting observations are that the other fish in the tank expect cleaning services from this fish, they all line up with gills open and fins flared but this fish does not seem interested in cleaning. At night it sleeps directly on the sand bed near a rock but does not create the silky cocoon typical of many wrasses. |
This beautiful fish lasted 2 days before my anemone ate it. It's the risk of having an Corkscrew Long Tentacle Anemone I guess. Expensive snack.