Unidentified Polyps
Picture taken September 2002 with Nikon CoolPix 950 Digital Camera, No Flash These are unidentified hitchhickers that came along on the rocks. It started with just one or two of them. They have grown well with no direct feedings. |
Unidentified Polyps
Picture taken January 2000 with Nikon CoolPix 950 Digital Camera, No Flash These yellowish polyps are unidentified hitchhickers that came along on the rocks. These are very rapid growers that form thick mats of polpys. They do look very nice flowing in strong currents. |
Unidentified Polyps
Picture taken June 2002 with Nikon CoolPix 950 Digital Camera, No Flash This is the same zoanthid colony from above. It has grown into very thick mats and has spread to cover several square feet of live rock. It's really starting to become a pest -- as can be seen here growing over a montipora colony. |
Unidentified Polyps
Picture taken June 2002 with Nikon CoolPix 950 Digital Camera, No Flash Again, the same zoanthids from above. Most of these had been removed for trade with a fellow reefkeeper. All these pictured have grown back. |
Unidentified Polyps
Picture taken July 2002 with Nikon CoolPix 950 Digital Camera, No Flash Again, the same zoanthids from above. Most of these had been removed for trade with a fellow reefkeeper. All these pictured have grown back. |