Columbellid sp. Snails
Picture taken June 2000, Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera, Tiffen +10 lens, no flash This is an example of a Columbellid snail. They have a shell shape very much like Nassarius snails but look and act very different. I purchased these as Nassarius snails which are great reef tank additions. I'm told these snails may be predators of the sand bed fauna, but I find them mainly on the glass and rocks. Unlike Nassarius snails they do not hide all day in the sand waiting for food to enter the tank. True Nassarius snails have a solid gray color, they do not have patterns such as can be seen in these pictures. I've been unable to confirm the exact species but Ronald L. Shimek, has suggested they are probably either Columbella or Anachis. |
Columbellid sp. Snails
Picture taken June 2000, Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera, Tiffen +10 lens, no flash Another example of the shell patterns on these Columbellid sp. snail shells. |