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Odd Critter Gallery

Orange Linkia Sea Star - Linkia sp.
Corkscrew Long Tentacle Anemone - Macrodactyla doreensis
Green Bubbletip Anemone - Entacmaea quadricolor
Orange Center Zoanthids
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Blue Tuxedo Sea Urchin - Mespilia globulis
Trochus Snail Spawn

Tiger Trochus Snails - Trochus sp. Picture taken June 2000
Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera, Tiffen +10 and +7 lens, no flash

This is a nice close-up of the face on a Tiger Trochus snail. If you click on the image and look at the larger picture you can actually see the snail's teeth like structures and its eyes.

These Tiger Trochus (sometimes sold as Zebra Trochus) are the best algae eating snails I have come across yet. And they are very fast snails.

This Tiger Trochus snail is covered in coralline algae but normally the shells are light colored with a multiple pink/red stripes on the shell looking something like tiger or zebra stripes.

Tiger Trochus Snails - Trochus sp. Picture taken June 2000
Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera, Tiffen +7 lens, no flash

Side view of a Tiger Trochus snail where you can see the alternating light pink and white markings. Several of the snails "tentacles " can also be seen.