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Odd Critter Gallery

Orange Linkia Sea Star - Linkia sp.
Corkscrew Long Tentacle Anemone - Macrodactyla doreensis
Green Bubbletip Anemone - Entacmaea quadricolor
Orange Center Zoanthids
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Blue Tuxedo Sea Urchin - Mespilia globulis
Trochus Snail Spawn

Red Leg Hermit Crab - unknown species
Picture taken August 2005, Nikon D70 Digital SLR, Sigma 105mm EX macro lens

This red hermit crab was sold to me as a scarlet red hermit. As you can easily see this is not a scarlet hermit as they almost always have a yellow face.

Generally I'm not a fan of hermit crabs in reef tanks as I feel they eat small crustaceans, small worms from the sand, and even snails.

Red Leg Hermit Crab - unknown species
Picture taken August 2005, Nikon D70 Digital SLR, Sigma 105mm EX macro lens

This single hermit has the 180 gallon reef tank to himself, there were no other hermits like it in the tank.