Skimmer Sludge from EuroReef RC-500 Dual Needle Wheel Skimmer Neck
This is an example of the sludge that builds up on the inside of the skimmer after about a week. This is what I was able to scrape off the top of the collection cup lid (seen in back ground). As nasty as it looks the dry sludge does not have a nasty smell to it like the liquid does. This smells like wet dirt -- a very earthy smell. |
Swipe of the skimmer neck.. yuck!
This is a swipe from inside the skimmer neck. I typically try to clean the skimmer twice a week to prevent a build up like this from happening. A sludge buildup like this reduces skimmer efficiency. |
Wet skimmate produced during the week
The watery wet skimmate which is the color of very dark green murky water has a very foul smell. It's not difficult for your gag reflex to be triggered by the smell of this. Literally within minutes of dumping this, half the house smells horrible. I now have my vent fan draw out the fumes for an hour or so before opening the reef room door where the sink is. |