Muricea laxa. Picture was taken in April 1999.
Sony Mavica FD91 digital camera, no flash. This coral was purchased on March 31st, 1998. It has been a fairly slow grower but it has shown steady growth. Every few months it has grown enough that I can sell or trade a cutting off. It tends to bush outwards more than upwards. This trend is changing since being placed under Metal Halide lighting. This coral does very well with no direct feeding, but I feel it has show significant growth when target feed DT Phytoplankton. |
Muricea laxa. Picture was taken in April 1999.
Sony Mavica FD91 digital camera, no flash. Pictured left is a cutting off my main colony. I just snip off a branch, insert it into a small hole and use marine epoxy (white) to hold it in place. I have made many cuttings of the gorgonian and given them to fellow reefers. The cutting in this picture is about 5 inches tall. |