Muricea sp., just added to display tank.
Picture taken February 2006, Nikon D70 Digital SLR, Sigma 105mm Macro lens This is an unknown gorgonian species, my best guest based on the parent shape is some species in the genus Muricea (myoor-iss'-ee-ah), it is possible it this could also be a member of the genus Plexaura (pleks-ohr'-ah). This is a short polyped species with lateral branching. |
Muricea sp., three months later.
Picture taken May 2006, Nikon D70 Digital SLR, Sigma 105mm Macro lens This shows the gorgonian three months later. Oddly it has bent over at a 90 degree angle -- this is not new growth, the existing section bent over. This was not expected. I think I will cut off the bent over section and make a frag from it. |