Tiger Trochus Snail Spawning. Picture taken May 2000
Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera, no flash On May 10th, 2000 I noticed the tank looked a little cloudy. After a few minutes of observation I saw a snail at the water surface releasing sperm. The sperm is actually bright white but looks bluish here because of the actinic lights right above it. I'm not sure how long the snail was spawning for but I watched it release sperm for about 10 minutes. |
Tiger Trochus Snail Spawning. Picture taken May 2000
Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera, no flash This is the same snail a few seconds later. You can see the sperm being dispersed by the currents. I was expecting other snails to join in on the fun but no other snails seemed interested and I didn't see any snails releasing any eggs. This type of snail was purchased as a Tiger Trochus also commonly called a Zebra Trochus. I assume it gets its name from the strip pattern on the shell. |