Turbo Snail - Unidentified sp. Picture taken June 2000.
Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera, Tiffen +10 Closeup Lens, no flash Viewed to the left is the underside of a typical Mexican Turbo Snail. This one here is rather small. Larger adult snails have shells several inches across. |
Turbo Snail - Unidentified sp. Picture taken June 2000.
Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera, Tiffen +10 Closeup Lens, no flash Here you can see a better side view of the same snail and see the bumpy texture of the shell. I've had poor luck with these snail, I had significant die off of these snails within the first month of getting them. I would say that about 80% of the turbo I purchased die within 3 weeks even after using a careful drip acclimation that lasted several hours. |