December 1999 - Picture taken with Kodac DC120 (borrowed)
This is the tank after 1 year of operation. It is just about fully stocked minus a few SPS corals I have an eye on. The tank is on the finishing end of a hair alage outbreak. The image is not that good. It was taken with a Kodac DC120 I borrowed. The tank has 7 fish, 3 LPS Corals, 1 Colt, 4 Gorgonians, 1 Anemone, 3 clams, a few SPS frags, hundreds of mushrooms, and hundreds of polpys. |
June 1999 - Sand bed migration completed
The tank is complete. All sand has been migrated. The refuigum has been added to the sump. A temporary hood has been constructed and actinic lights added. Items added this month: 3" Tridacna maxima ultra clam, tigertail cuke, 2 SPS corals. Items died: The Crocea calm I got last month and the black knobby cuke died. |
May 1999 - Aquascape completed, 40% of 55g tank sand bed moved
The left side of the tank has now been aquascaped. About 40% of the sand bed from the 55g tank has been moved to this tank now. I still have to finish moving the sand bed over and still move over the refugium. Items added this month: Blue Sea Star, Black Sea Cuke, (2) Cleaner Shrimp, 1.5" Super Grade Tridacna crocea clam. Items died: my existing Tridacna dersa clam. |
April 1999 - Entire 55g tank contents moved in except its sand
The entire contents of my 55 gallon tank have now been moved over and tossed to the left side of the tank. The left side of the tank has not been aquascaped yet. The only thing left to move over from my 55g tank is the sand bed and the refugium. Items added this month: Elegance Coral, cleaner shrimp, Sailfin Tang. Items migrated: Mandarinfish, Engineer Gobie, Purple Tang, two Percula Tangs, long tentacle anemone. |
March 1999 - 20 more lbs rock, gorgonian, sponges, 40 lbs more sand
Tank now has two Iwasaki 6500k 250w Metal Halide lights on. Over 20 lbs. oolitic sand, and 20 lbs. Fiji Live sand has been added to this side of the tank. Both Inland Aquatics and IPSF (Indo-Pacific Sea Farms) detritivore kits have been added and numerous snails and a few hermit crabs. My Silver Quill Gorgonian has been migrated from the other tank, two sponges have been added. You can see the orange one here, but a yellow sponge is hidden from view. I also moved over my Tridacnid clam, it is on the other side of the tank (bare side) getting acclimated to the new lighting. Main tank retuns have been split into two lines, and powerheads have been repositioned. |
February 1999 - 88 lbs. Fiji Rock, Aquascaped, 25 lbs. sand added
Now the rock has been decently aquascaped. Some minor adjustments may be made but overall this is where I want the rocks to go. I added a single 25 lbs. bag of dead crushed coral sand. No live sand has been added yet. The tank is now being lit by a true 250w Iwasaki 6500K bulb. The first bulb which was incorrect has been removed. I'll be adding more lights shortly. The picture still seems a but more green that it looks in person. |
January 1999 - Fiji rock, not Aquascaped
To the left you can see the 88 lbs of Fiji Live rock added to the tank. The rock is just laying on the bottom. I have not decided the rock structure yet, and no aquascaping has been done. The tank is being lit by what I thought was a 250w Iwasaki 6500k Metal Halide light. However, the color pattern and printing on the bulb make me think otherwise. The bulb has a distinctive pink shade to it and the rocks appear yellow. This is not typical of Iwasaki 6500K bulbs. The light should be white with a little blue/green. Light on the rocks should be white (full daylight) with hint of green. |